An Ayurvedic Fall Cleanse

Ayurveda: Fall Cleanse

Rebalace and Renew

November 4 - November 17, 2024

Are you waking up feeling the need for more sleep? Experiencing the midday crashes? Intense cravings? Maybe you’re dealing with digestive issues and excess heat in the body. In order to support the needs of our changing body during the changing of the seasons, Ayurveda recommends we clear out accumulated toxins, rebalance ourselves, and prepare to align with the rhythm of the new season and our current environment. 

Hi, I’m Katelyn Sonnier and I help people manage their weight, get quality sleep, and improve their energy through the principles and practices of Ayurveda. 

Join me for this 14 day cleanse where we will incorporate ancient practices to strengthen your immune system, reset your digestive system, rid your body of toxins, and rebalance your life. 

Before I understood the interconnectivity of the body and nature, I struggled with these seasonal transitions. I would get colds, infections, feel drained, and need multiple naps a day. My immune system just couldn't keep up.

A seasonal Ayurvedic cleanse is vital to maintaining optimal health during times of change. It’s an opportunity to balance your digestive system, eliminate toxins, improve your immunity and re-commit to healthy habits. 

During the summer months, we tend to lose the grip on our healthy habits. With vacations, cook outs by the pool, and the kids home everyday our schedules and routines tend to fall by the wayside. Not to mention, we’ve accumulated excess heat in our bodies that can cause some imbalances if allowed to stay. 

An Ayurvedic cleanse is different from other types of cleanses and diets as its goal is to support and nourish the body rather than deplete it. During the cleanse you’ll be nourishing yourself with fresh seasonal foods, Ayurvedic cleansing dishes, detoxifying drinks, and many self care practices.  

This cleanse will aid your vessel in the removal of toxic build up hidden deep in the corners of your body. Upon the completion of the cleanse, your body will feel lighter, your mind will be clearer, and your digestion will be stronger.  

"Participating in Katelyn’s Ayurvedic Cleanse was a game changer for me! The ongoing support helped me stay on track and held me accountable. The food was delicious; I never felt hungry because my body was getting all the nutrients it needed. The kitchari was so delicious I have added it to my menu rotation and I still eat it at least twice a month. I learned so much about myself during the experience. I discovered food sensitivities I wasn’t aware of, I kicked caffeine permanently, and I lost 12 pounds during the cleanse. I felt so fantastic afterward that this will definitely be an annual detox for me. Highly recommend this experience!" -Christina R. 

Katelyn is an Ayurveda Specialist, Integrative Nutritionist, Yoga Instructor, and Intuitive Guide. She has weaved all of these practices together to create a unique wellness approach- guiding individuals towards harnessing and creating with their own energy through food choices, lifestyle practices, and herbal remedies. Katelyn helps people align their internal rhythms with that of which we come from, nature, so one can live a more connected and authentic life.

Ayurveda is a healing science, translating to “wisdom of life” or "study of you"

It's an integrative approach to health that takes into account not just your physical body but also your mind and soul.

Register for the cleanse and open your world up to the amazing benefits Ayurveda will have on your life!

Sign up before October 16th and use the code 'earlybird' for 20%. 

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